jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

To my dear Kate (English Version, pa' que me cachés bien digo. Si sos hispanoparlante leéte el de abajo que viene a ser lo mismo)

Dear Kate:
You don t know me, but Twitter told me how to reach you. Yes I know that this is more than the 140 characters, but hey .... I am a minita who lives alone and needs to speak. So I can´t sum up everything in 140 characters!! Jesus! Anyway, I´m writing to tell you another thing .... that we are connected in some way, you know? I mean both of us were born the same day. On 1982, January 9th, I mean ... in case that you don´t have in mind this kind of information. I guess that a young woman who is about marryng a prince must have many things on her mind, right? Anyway, what matters is that we have something like a astrological communion, understand me? And plis don´t start talking about the ascendant, the moon, the houses or the sun eh? Because all that matters here is that both of us were born the same day, got me? It's like we're secretly connected, like Harry Potter and you-know-who (Are you crazy? how do you think I'm going to say his name, eh?)
Thinking in it I must have been a kind of you-know-who in another life, right? I say that I must have done something really bad taht I'm paying you, Otherwise, I don´t understand why you're marrying the Prince Williams and I .... And I did not even have a single boyfriend during the 28 years of our lives! I guess the answer is the karma, I don´t know. Better tell me how you did ...? No, I'm not asking private details of blue blood, are you mad? (Well if you want, I can give you my msn and we can chat on private line, I promise not to tell anythig to Prince Williams or to anyone. Stay cool your secret is safe with me ... we are astrological sisters, aren´t we?) I m asking you how you flirt with a guy, and make him like you back and stop him from running away!
Anyway, ours similarities seems not to end here, my soulmate (soulmate astrologically speaking, nothing to do with attractions, physical attractions.... I mean, sometime is cleverer not to speak, dont you think?) What Im trying to say is that we even went toteh same high school, I mean to Saint Andrew´s. Ok, you went to a top one in Pangbourne, while I was attending to one in Buenos Aires. Details, nothing more than that, don´t you think?
Well my astral soulmate, I leave you alone. I hope you can answer soon and help me. I mean in one of then the prince has a friend that you don´t stand and ypu want to send him and far, far away, to Argentina, ponele ... ..Well, now I leave you for real, I guess you are not living a life with nopthing to do like me, I say this whole issue of the royal wedding, Prince Williams, the Westminster must take you a lot of time...

So please, stay tunned or as we say here in Argentina que no se corte, que no se corte

Looking forward to hearing from you (that one I learnt it while I was studying for the First)

Yours faithfully, sincerely or thanks (Also these ones. I know that you have to choose only one, but I am an indecisive person, so I can´t decide which one to choose)

Andre, your astrologic soulmate. The same one that must have really screwed up with anything in the other life ....

6 comentarios:

  1. Dudo que con esa facilidad y esa gracia que tenes al escribir no te responda un "Thank you, minita", aunque sea.

    Hace tiempo trato de plasmar detalles cotidianos como algo interesante y me di cuenta de que es algo que pocos pueden hacer, entonces deje de intentarlo. Pero vos que podes, no dejes de hacerlo, divertis a varios :)

    Un beso!

  2. lovely! just lovely! some women have way more luck than others... mirala a la zorregieta sino (asi se escribia?)
    es de no creer... Odín le da pan al que no tiene dientes

    besos andre!!!

  3. My God!!!!!!!! jajaja, when she share with you her secrets and advices about "how to get a man", could you tell us please? I will be expecting them!!!

  4. I also want to kown how to catch a guy and keep him!

  5. El instinto gregario (1) y la soledad, son temas recurrentes en este blog.

    Es obvio que me preocupan y seguro que me interesan.

    En otra ocasión les comenté que tendríamos que tener una psicología para varones y otra para mujeres. No somos iguales, quizá somos algo parecidos y, para algunos temas, sería bueno partir de la base de que pertenecemos a especies tan diferentes (2) como son las jirafas y las cebras.

    Tengo casi por seguro —hasta que alguien me convenza de lo contrario— que son las hembras de casi todas las especies las que elijen a los machos que habrán de fecundarlas (3), a partir de que ellas han decidido abocarse a la tarea de reproducción y alimentación de un nuevo ejemplar para la especie.

    Sólo para ser claros usando pocas palabras, imaginemos que existen cien tipos diferentes de hombres. Los numeraremos del uno al cien.

    María Estela es una mujer que sólo busca hombres 4, 23, 65 y 77. Si no encuentra ninguno de estas características, podría conformarse con un 9 y eventualmente con un 36.

    Todos los demás hombres no le gestarían los niños mejor dotados. Ella gusta de esos cuatro (con opción a dos más). El resto, para ella no existen.

    Cuando María Estela dice que «no hay hombres», que «los hombres que sirven, están todos casados o son gays» o que «los hombres son todos unos inútiles», lo que realmente está diciendo es que no se ha cruzado últimamente con ningún 4, 23, 65 ni 77 que le provocara una atracción fulminante.

    Tampoco se ha cruzado con algún 9 o 36 que la acompañe provisoriamente.

    Cuando algo de esto ocurre, ellas dicen: «¡qué sola me siento!».

    En suma: una mujer padece de soledad cuando no encuentra ninguno de los pocos hombres que le sirven.
    Fernando Mieres, terapeuta.

  6. (1) ¡Hola!¿Cómo te va?

    (2) Nadie es mejor que mi perro
    Ya sé por qué no me entiendes
    Ser varón es más barato

    (3) «La suerte de la fea ...»


Si cada uno "hace lo que puede" ma' decí lo que se te antoje, querés!